Crystal Silhouette
The intense, introverted half of Transgress Software-she is the CEO and President while her twin brother-Leonard-is COO and Chairman of the Board. Crystal is the oracle and life force of the world’s third largest software company that their father started out of a back bedroom. Eighteen years after their parents’ horrific death in a multi-car accident on a snow- and ice-covered road, this privately held company is worth more than six hundred billion dollars with Crystal and her brother being billionaires many times over. A woman of few emotions and less friends, she allows her much more gregarious brother to be the public persona of Transgress. He’s the one that chairs a plectra of boards, grants tons of interviews and gives away hundreds of millions of the company’s money to HBCU’s, universities, scholarship funds and STEM programs worldwide.
A philanthropy that was abruptly ended with a fatal bullet to the brain, in their godfather’s bank, after Leonard signed for a one hundred-million-dollar loan Transgress didn’t need.
Blinded by grief and suffocating in a rage she cannot escape while incredulous of her loss, Crystal vows one thing; whomever was responsible for her brother’s murder will travel down a long, hellish and excruciating road before she personally will rip the last spark of life from what is left of their mangled body…